Books by Maria La Selva

Perky Panda Asks Are You Ok?

Helping others with kindness and by showing compassion, Perky Panda cleverly demonstrates how practicing mindfulness techniques can positively assist in regulating emotions. This delightful story provides the powerful conversation starter:

“Are you ok? How can I help you?”

  • ISBN: 978-1-922717-86-3
  • Perfect Bound Paperback
  • 250 mm W X 250 mm 
  • 20 Pages

Perky Panda Helps Us Make Friends

The Perky Panda family unites to model how to communicate when forming new relationships with others. The characters demonstrate how to make and be a good friend through the magical world of literacy.

This captivating story provides strategies and helpful conversation starters that support the development of friendships.

  • Perfect Bound Paperback
  • 250 mm W X 250 mm 
  • 20 Pages